Good Day
8 天 前
Today is New Year's Eve, a special day when Chinese families display the "Fu" (福) character to invite good fortune into their homes. Take a look at this stele featuring the "Fu" character, written by the Kangxi Emperor, the longest-reigning emperor in Chinese history. We wish you abundant good fortune in the coming year!

#Fu #福 #ChineseNewYear #2025
Richard Lee
19 天 前
Fundstrat Capital的首席投資官、前摩根大通首席股票策略師Tom Lee在一次受訪中預測,短期內比特幣可能會測試7萬美元甚至下探至5萬美元的支撐位,不過長期仍然看漲。

#BTC #bitcoin #比特幣
24 天 前
Wildfire Musk Coin (WMC) #PumpFun

29 天 前
「A simple rule dictates my buying: Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.」
1 月 前
Do you know what happens after your funeral?

In a few short hours, the crying will die down. And your family will be busy making arrangements for food or drink. Some of your relatives will start discussing current events over coffee. And some people will call your family to tell them that they can't make it in person because of an emergency. Your employer will began to search for your replacement. In a few days, your children will go back to work because their bereavement leave has run out. In a month, your spouse will be watching a comedy on TV and start to laugh. You'll be forgotten at an astonishing pace. If people will forget you so easily, then who are you living your life for? You spent your whole life worrying about what people will think about you, they don't!

So #live your #life for you!

From #trump
1 月 前
TikTok tells US Supreme Court ‘sell-or-ban’ law stems from company’s refusal to censor
#SCMP #南華早報 #Tiktok

1 月 前
Hong Kong arts projects receive national funding — #SCMP #南華早報 #hongkong #arts

2 個月 前

Indapta Therapeutics, Inc. 12月17日宣佈,已完成一輪 2250 萬美元(約1.76億元港元)的新融資,以加速其差異化同種異體自然殺傷 (NK) 細胞療法的臨床開發。


RA Capital Leaps by Bayer Myeloma Investment Fund Vertex Ventures HC Pontifax

#融資 #投資 #生命科技 #nk #自然殺傷細胞療法
Richard Lee
2 個月 前
“The best way to predict the future is to invent it. 預測未來的最好方法就是創造未來 ”

—— Alan Kay 美國電腦科學家,在物件導向程式設計和窗口式圖形化使用者介面方面作出了先驅性貢獻

2 個月 前
Richard Lee
2 個月 前 (E)
Fund of ByteDance founder Zhang Yiming gets Hong Kong asset management licence #SCMP #南華早報

#bytedance #Tiktok #hk #hongkong


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